Within Tea Logo Design

Clean and organic design for tea that tastes great and improves your health.

The owner of Within Tea came to me in search of a logo and branding for her new product. What makes this tea different is that it has a range of flavors that each have their own health benefits. The vibe of the logo needed to personify health, wellness, and nature.

Step One

Logo Concepts

To get started I developed a set of 4 logo concepts. At this stage, we were still exploring color palettes so I created these concepts in 4 color stories so we could discuss not only what logo styles spoke to her, but what colors were reading well.

Step Two

Creating a Brand Pattern

One of the requirements at the beginning of the project was to create a pattern to accompany the logo that could be used on print designs, marketing materials, cups, and packaging.

Step Four

Flavor Color Stories

Along with the main logo, we needed to create some variations for the different tea flavor within the product range.